Cindi Jorgensen named as Sleep Center Coordinator.
Hermiston, OR – The unhoused have another ally; Stepping Stones Alliance is staffing up and
readying to open doors December 1st. Cindi Jorgensen as the Sleep Center Coordinator.
“This is the time to make a difference for the most vulnerable within our communities and
provide stepping stones to the unhoused with dignity and hope,” said Neal. “Our Board
President, Cathy Lloyd, has done so much to shape real change; I am honored that she and our
Board of Directors are placing their trust in me. I look forward to working alongside them, our
staff, city officials, donors and community partners to create stability and a successful transition
from houselessness.”
The Stepping Stones program has three phases: an overnight sleep center, a navigation center
providing access to support systems and individual housing units for those wishing to progress
towards permanent housing of their own.
The Sleep Center, or warming station, will open doors December 1 st from 6 pm to 8 am, 7 days a
week, and the Stepping Stones Alliance 24-hour Housing Center is projected to open March 1, 2023. The warming station is located at 80487 US 395 in Hermiston.
For more information, please visit
About SSA
The mission of Stepping Stones Alliance is to provide stepping stones – shelter, basic needs and
supports that can lead to stability – to unhoused people in West Umatilla and Morrow Counties, Oregon.